Education version
Our secure collaboration solution is suitable for the whole education system, from schools to universities. Fast deployment on an existing infrastructure to preserve past investments. Pricing adapted to education.
Interface customization
- Your look&feel and logo
- Service name (ex: secure collab)
- Content and lay-out of home, registration, overview and welcome pages. Welcome page appears after the first logins only, overview page appears after login.
- Content and lay-out of registration, group invitation and meeting invitation emails
- Content and lay-out of the upper part of the interface (logo, etc.).
- Fonts and colours
- Automatic signature for sent emails: secure collaboration service URL, disclaimer, etc.
- Settings: automatic account expiry after X days of inactivity, etc.
Customized subscriptions
- Number and names
- Available tools and capacities
- Features: Synchronization, POP3 server, IMAP server, etc.
- Free or paid subscriptions for end-users. You set the fees. Payment is done in the secure collaboration solution or on your own web site.
Domain names
- e-mail:
our secure collaboration solution becomes the official email server for your domain and manages email addresses The server can manage several domain names for a same client.
Note: Email has no impact on your Web site
- Web:
access through an URL such as or